Inverse Gaussian distribution


The amount of time it takes for a Brownian particle with drift to diffuse to a boundary a given distance away is Inverse Gaussian distributed.


Interspike intervals of neurons are often Inverse Gaussian distributed. In such cases, the firing threshold corresponds to a first passage to a boundary of a diffusive process with drift.


The Inverse Gaussian distribution has two parameters, \(\mu\) and \(\lambda\), both of which must be positive. In the diffusion-with-drift story, if \(x\) is the position of the boundary, \(D\) is the diffusion coefficient, and \(v\) is the drift velocity, then \(\mu = x / v\) and \(\lambda = x^2/2D\). When used to model first passage times, both parameters have dimension of time.


The Inverse Gaussian distribution is supported on the set of positive real numbers.

Probability density function

\[\begin{align} f(y;\mu, \lambda) = \sqrt{\frac{\lambda}{2\pi y^3}}\,\exp\left[-\frac{\lambda(y-\mu)^2}{2 \mu^2 y}\right]. \end{align}\]

Cumulative distribution function

\[\begin{align} F(y;\mu, \lambda) = \Phi\left(\sqrt{\frac{\lambda}{y}}\left(\frac{y}{\mu} - 1\right)\right) + \mathrm{e}^{2\lambda/\mu}\,\Phi\left(-\sqrt{\frac{\lambda}{y}}\left(\frac{y}{\mu} + 1\right)\right), \end{align}\]


\[\begin{align} \Phi(y) = \frac{1}{2}\left(1 + \text{erf}\left(\frac{y}{\sqrt{2}}\right)\right) \end{align}\]

is the CDF of the standard Normal distribution and \(\text{erf}(x)\) denotes the error function.


Mean: \(\mu\)

Variance: \(\mu^3/\lambda\)





rng.wald(mu, lam)


scipy.stats.invgauss(mu / lam, loc=0, scale=lam)


InverseGaussian(mu, lam)


See notes below


  • The Inverse Gaussian distribution is sometimes called the Wald distribution, named after Abraham Wald.

  • The Inverse Gaussian distribution is not implemented in Stan. In order to use the Inverse Gaussian distribution in Stan, include the code below in the functions block. This will allow sampling statements like y ~ inv_gaussian(mu, lambda). (Note that this will be slower than directly coding the distribution into Stan’s C++ library and including derivative calculations.)

Functions for inverse Gaussian distribution.

* Log PDF of Inverse Gaussian distribution
* @param real y
* @param real mu
* @param real lambda
* @return log PDF of Inverse Gaussian distribution for scalar input
real inv_gaussian_lpdf(real y, real mu, real lambda) {
if (y <= 0 || is_nan(y)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lpdf: y must be greater than 0; found y = ", y);
if (mu <= 0 || is_nan(mu)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lpdf: mu must be greater than 0; found mu = ", mu);
if (lambda <= 0 || is_nan(lambda)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lpdf: lambda must be greater than 0; found lambda = ", lambda);

real logpdf = -log(2 * pi()) / 2.0
            + (log(lambda) - 3.0 * log(y)) / 2.0
            - lambda * (y - mu)^2 / (2.0 * mu^2 * y);

return logpdf;

* Log PDF of Inverse Gaussian distribution
* @param array[] real y
* @param real mu
* @param real lambda
* @return real log PDF of Inverse Gaussian distribution for array input
real inv_gaussian_lpdf(array[] real y, real mu, real lambda) {
if (mu <= 0 || is_nan(mu)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lpdf: mu must be greater than 0; found mu = ", mu);
if (lambda <= 0 || is_nan(lambda)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lpdf: lambda must be greater than 0; found lambda = ", lambda);

real logpdf = -num_elements(y) * log(2 * pi()) / 2.0;
for (yi in y) {
    if (yi <= 0 || is_nan(yi)) {
        reject("inverse_gaussian_lpdf: all elements of y must be greater than 0 and not NaN, got ", yi);
    else {
        logpdf += (log(lambda) - 3.0 * log(yi)) / 2.0 - lambda * (yi - mu)^2 / (2.0 * mu^2 * yi);

return logpdf;

* Log PDF of Inverse Gaussian distribution
* @param vector y
* @param real mu
* @param real lambda
* @return real log PDF of Inverse Gaussian distribution for vector input
real inv_gaussian_lpdf(vector y, real mu, real lambda) {
if (mu <= 0 || is_nan(mu)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lpdf: mu must be greater than 0; found mu = ", mu);
if (lambda <= 0 || is_nan(lambda)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lpdf: lambda must be greater than 0; found lambda = ", lambda);
for (yi in y) {
    if (yi <= 0 || is_nan(yi)) {
        reject("inverse_gaussian_lpdf: all elements of y must be greater than 0 and not NaN, got ", yi);

real logpdf = num_elements(y) * (log(lambda) - log(2 * pi())) / 2.0
            - 1.5 * sum(log(y))
            - lambda * sum((y - mu).^2 ./ y) / (2.0 * mu^2);

return logpdf;

* Log CDF of Inverse Gaussian distribution
* @param real y
* @param real mu
* @param real lambda
* @return log CDF of Inverse Gaussian distribution for scalar input
real inv_gaussian_lcdf(real y, real mu, real lambda) {
if (y <= 0 || is_nan(y)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lcdf: y must be greater than 0; found y = ", y);
if (mu <= 0 || is_nan(mu)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lcdf: mu must be greater than 0; found mu = ", mu);
if (lambda <= 0 || is_nan(lambda)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lcdf: lambda must be greater than 0; found lambda = ", lambda);

real term1 = std_normal_lcdf(sqrt(lambda / y) * (y / mu - 1.0));
real term2 = 2.0 * lambda / mu + std_normal_lcdf(-sqrt(lambda / y) * (y / mu + 1.0));

return log_sum_exp(term1, term2);

* Log CCDF of Inverse Gaussian distribution
* @param real y
* @param real mu
* @param real lambda
* @return log CCDF of Inverse Gaussian distribution
real inv_gaussian_lccdf(real y, real mu, real lambda) {
if (y <= 0 || is_nan(y)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lccdf: y must be greater than 0; found y = ", y);
if (mu <= 0 || is_nan(mu)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lccdf: mu must be greater than 0; found mu = ", mu);
if (lambda <= 0 || is_nan(lambda)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_lccdf: lambda must be greater than 0; found lambda = ", lambda);

real term1 = std_normal_lccdf(sqrt(lambda / y) * (y / mu - 1.0));
real term2 = 2.0 * lambda / mu + std_normal_lcdf(-sqrt(lambda / y) * (y / mu + 1.0));

return log_diff_exp(term1, term2);

* Draw a random number from Inverse Gaussian distribution
* @param real mu
* @param real lambda
* @return A random number drawn from Inverse Gaussian distribution
real inv_gaussian_rng(real mu, real lambda) {
if (mu <= 0 || is_nan(mu)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_rng: mu must be greater than 0; found mu = ", mu);
if (lambda <= 0 || is_nan(lambda)) {
    reject("inverse_gaussian_rng: lambda must be greater than 0; found lambda = ", lambda);

real y = std_normal_rng()^2;
real mu2 = mu^2;
real x = mu + (mu2 * y - mu * sqrt(4.0 * mu * lambda * y + mu2 * y^2)) / (2.0 * lambda);
real z = uniform_rng(0, 1);

real return_value;
if (z <= mu / (mu + x)) {
    return_value = x;
} else {
    return_value = mu2 / x;

return return_value;

PDF and CDF plots