Probability Distribution Explorer
Welcome to the probability distribution explorer. This is a tool for you to explore commonly used probability distributions, including information about the stories behind them (e.g., the outcome of a coin flip is Bernoulli distributed), their probability mass/probability density functions, their moments, etc. Also included is syntax on how to use these distributions in NumPy, SciPy, and Stan. Each distribution has its own vignette, which you can dive right in to exploring. You are, however, strongly advised to read up on the background before proceeding to the distributions so you understand the notation and key concepts.
Univariate discrete
Univariate continuous
- Beta distribution
- Cauchy distribution
- Double Exponential (Laplace) distribution
- Exponential distribution
- Gamma distribution
- Half-Cauchy distribution
- Half-Normal distribution
- Half-Student-t distribution
- Inverse Gamma distribution
- Inverse Gaussian distribution
- Log-Normal distribution
- Normal distribution
- Pareto distribution
- Student-t distribution
- Uniform distribution
- Von Mises distribution
- Weibull distribution
Multivariate discrete
Multivariate continuous